Vitamin-D is very important for our body. The main source of vitamin-D is sunlight. Apart from this, the body gets vitamin-D from many food and drink items. Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble pro-hormones that help the body to absorb calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc. Vitamin-D deficiency causes many problems in the body. At the same time, due to lack of vitamin-D, there is a problem of Diabetic Nephropathy and if you have high diabetic foot ulcer it will be more dangerous.

Do you have vitamin-D deficiency? How will u know you have Vitamin-D deficiency? Does u haveDiabetics? If yes, know how it affects you? What are the symptoms of deficiency of Vitamin-D and know how to fulfill vitamin-D deficiency? , what is diabetic foot, what is diabetic foot ulcer, what is vitamin-d ,vitamin-d, vitamin d, vitamin d cause of deficits, Diabetic foot ulcer, Diabetic Neuropathy.Symptoms of Deficiency in Vitamin-D, How to fulfill vitamin-D deficiency

How body creates vitamin –D from sunlight ?

If you want to get vitamin-D from sun light then you have to come then you have to come in contact of sun light between morning to 11Am and 4Pm to evening. Vitamin-D created by the body when ultra violet light comes from sunlight touches our body directly it makes Vitamin-D from Cholesterol. It is advisable to expose body over sunlight minimum 1hr per day.

Why vitamin-D is so important?

Vitamin-D used by the body to absorb calcium from intestine, if one has vitamin-D deficiency then Calcium absorption will not be possible and the deficiency of calcium occurs. . Then body naturally sense it and ordered parathyroid gland to produce hormone. Parathyroid gland provides calcium from bone to blood. Then bone gets weak automatically. If calcium will found low in body then muscle and nerves don’t work properly. Parathyroid hormones released by body due to vitamin-D deficiency almost among 90% of patients among 100 patients. if one fulfill the Vitamin-D deficiency body will form calcium will absorb properly and stop releasing Parathyroid hormone . The lack of Vitamin-D causes complication on Diabetics, Heart Disease, blood pressure, Bone weakness, cancer etc.
When one have vitamin-D deficiency then have to diagnosis whether the deficiency occurred for lack of sun exposure, intestine problem, absorption problem, liver problem or kidney problem.
If you have this kind of the disease then body can’t consume vitamin-D. These are Malabsorption, Neuropathy syndrome, or any chronic liver or kidney disease even consumption of vitamin-D tablet and injection. Before consuming any precautions doctor’s consultation is advisable.

Diabetic Neuropathy- if ones have diabetics then it have very often see that if the diabetics increased then the Diabetic Neuropathy because of weakness of muscles and vain. Body starts pain and
numbness appear. 

Diabetic foot ulcer-Excess of diabetics is the major cause of Diabetic foot ulcer .The skin tissue breaks when there is an ulcer in the leg and the layers below it begin to appear. Ulcers in the feet are mostly under the thumb and toes. The ulcer affects the bones of the feet. All diabetic patients are at risk of foot ulcers. It can be prevented by taking good care of the feet. If the color of your leg skin is changing or the tissue turns black. Sometimes it happens that its symptoms are not clear until there is an ulcer in the leg. Vitamin-D deficiency is also one of the major reasons for diabetes. Explain that if a person is simultaneously obese and deficient in vitamin D, then the risk of diabetic foot ulcer increases even more.

Symptoms of Deficiency in Vitamin-D

1. Getting Sick and
2. Tiredness
3. Fatigue 
4. Impaired Wound Healing
5. Bone Loss
6. Hair Loss
7. Muscle Pain
8. Back and Bone Pain 
9. Depression
10. Often Infected
Do you have vitamin-D deficiency? How will u know you have Vitamin-D deficiency? Does u haveDiabetics? If yes, know how it affects you? What are the symptoms of deficiency of Vitamin-D and know how to fulfill vitamin-D deficiency? , what is diabetic foot, what is diabetic foot ulcer, what is vitamin-d ,vitamin-d, vitamin d, vitamin d cause of deficits, Diabetic foot ulcer, Diabetic Neuropathy.Symptoms of Deficiency in Vitamin-D, How to fulfill vitamin-D deficiency

If one have above symptoms then consult doctor immediately it can be deficit of vitamin-D and ones in a year should go for the test of lipid profile. So that anyone can understand his/her body functionalism updates. The Diabetics patients should be more aware of it.

How to fulfill vitamin-D deficiency

1- Fish are rich of Vitamin-D specially sea fish.
2- Grains are a good source of vitamin-D.
3- Orange juice is also rich in Vitamin-D.
4- Eggs should be consumed for vitamin-D. Vitamin-D is found in egg yolk.
5- The body gets enough vitamin-D from milk. Let us know that 20 percent of the vitamin-D needed throughout the day is mixed with milk.
6- Absorb on your body Sun light between 11Am to 4Pm.

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