Diabetes is the parent for creating other diseases and Diabetic foot is a major & dangerous disease that occur due to high diabetes. Diabetes is dangerous not only for liver and kidneys, but also to the feet. The risk of foot ulcers is increasing rapidly in diabetic patients. This dangerous disease that makes the legs disabled starts with insensitivity in the hands and feet, which is quite dangerous to ignore. In this disease, cutting of the infected organ can be possible. People generally think that diabetics are at higher risk of heart attack or kidney failure, but according to doctors, diabetes affects many parts of the body. Doctors say that, the blood arteries of the patients suffering from diabetes get narrowed by which the blood flow is relatively slow. This condition is called diabetic atherosclerosis and also the lack of blood flow in the tactile veins leads to changes in the extremities that cause numbness and numbness in the extremities, this is called diabetic peripheral Neuropathy.

A short note on Diabetic foot. What is Diabetic foot? What are the types of diabetic foot? And care of Diabetic foot…
According to researchers, due to the pressure, there is not much effect in the blood flow in the upper part of the body, but the speed of blood in the veins leading to the legs becomes very slow due to which the muscles of that place shrink and start to thaw. He told that in this condition the muscles rupture due to a slight threat or injury, which is not usually known to the patient. Due to the high level of glucose in the blood, the flesh of that place starts to slowly rot and it also melts the bone of the injured part of the leg. The doctor said that if the patient suffers from a leg i
njury due to any reason, it works as scabies in the leprosy. Due to non-healing of the wound, the infection spreads rapidly and the chances of defending the infected part are also reduced. He said that the patient suffering from this disease initially feels numbness or tingling in the feet, in such a situation that the risk of physical disability can be dealt with to a large extent if we get immediate medical care. According to physicians, diabetic patients can avoid the risk of foot disability by taking certain precautions. Diabetes patients should be careful while biting nails. These patients should always wear silicon rubber, so that the joints or other parts of the body do not have much pressure. Patients with orthopedics with diabetes need to wear a special type of shoes. If ulcers have occurred in the legs due to any reason, then such patients should use insulin injection instead of medicine.

Your feet can be most affected in the condition of diabetes. This can not only eliminate the beauty of your feet, but they can also suffer from many diseases. It is believed that at the beginning of diabetes the effect of blood does not reach the feet properly. Due to which there is lack of oxygen and nutrients in the feet. This can lead to many diseases of the feet. In fact, these diseases are called Diabetic foot.

There are various types of diabetic foot. Let's know boils and pimples- In the condition of diabetes, a thick layer of skin is formed in the feet which can turn into boils and pimples. This is especially true when there is pressure on a particular part of the foot, or it is being rubbed with something else. These abscesses can become infected.

Blisters- If one part of the feet is rubbing repeatedly due to shoes in the feet, there may be blisters in the feet. These blisters can also cause infection. Therefore, do not wear shoes that do not fit the feet perfectly, as well as shoes should not be worn without socks.

Dry and chapped skin- The skin of the feet starts drying up due to diabetes because the nerves of your feet do not get the message that they have to be soft. This drying of the skin results in a skin burst. The penetration of germs in this cracked skin during diabetes can make you uncomfortable.

Ingrown toenail (during ingestion of the skin) -  During diabetes, one end of the fingernail of the feet starts moving towards the inside of the skin instead of outside. In this, the skin turns red and becomes infected. This happens when you cut the edges of the nails of the feet. The same problem can also occur when your shoes and slippers are very tight.

Elephant's foot- It is natural for your feet to swell during diabetes. But after swelling, the shape of your feet worsens, pain in the feet, the legs start to look like the feet of elephant. Which is known as elephant's foot.

Athletes Foot- This is a special type of fungus due to which the skin becomes red, itchy and it starts to crack. Cracks that fall between the fingers allow germs to enter the body. If it is high in your blood sugar level then it works to increase germs due to which infection can be very high.

Some things to be kept in mind for foot care-

  • ·        Check the feet regularly.
  • ·        Do not put feet in warm water.
  • ·        Take special care of feet cleanliness.
  • ·        If your skin is very dry then apply good quality moisturizing lotion and cream.
  • ·        Walking barefoot is not considered good for diabetic patients.
  • ·        Don’t go outside with bare leg.
  • ·        Fallow doctors’ advice positively.