Kidney is the chief organ of homeostasis in the human body because they are the ultimate regulator of blood composition. Kidneys detoxify the blood, produce hormones and influence red blood cell production. They also observe minerals, remove excess water and neutralise the PH level of blood.
Do you have these habits, beware you can be affected by kidney disease. Top 10 cause of kidney diseases.

There are the lists of top 10 habits that can cause your kidney damage-
1.      Not drinking enough water.
2.       Overdose of painkillers.
3.      Consuming too much salt.
4.      Holding pee for too long.
5.      Satisfying your sweet tooth too much.
6.      Not getting enough sleep.
7.      Eat too much protein.
8.      Alcohol consumption.
9.      Chronic sitting.
1.   Smoking.

1.      Not drinking enough water.
Since kidneys filter blood and eliminate metabolic wastes. You must drink an ample amount of water regularly to prevent dehydration and toxins from building up in your body. It is also the best way to avoid painful kidney stones.
2.      Overdose of painkillers.
Painkillers may ease your pain but they damage your kidneys. If consumed above the prescribed doses. Pain medications have been found to decrease blood flow to the kidneys, as a result, increasing the risk of chronic kidney disease.
3.      Consuming too much salt.
Salt is notoriously known as slow poison or pinch-by-pinch killer, because it causes hypertension and heart disease. Excess of consumption of salt ends up stressing kidneys so much it may result in kidney failure.  
4.      Holding pee for too long.
Never ignore nature’s call no matter how busy you are. Research suggests blocking urine for too long increases the risk of UTI (Urinary Tract Infections), Exposes the body to extremely harmful bacteria, in some cases, it may result in kidney failure.
5.      Satisfying your sweet tooth too much.
Sugar promotes obesity which puts you at risk of developing diabetics and high blood pressure. Two of the leading causes of chronic kidney disease. Kidneys filter an estimated 180mg glucose every days, when we consume too much sugar, your kidney has to work much harder to get rid of it.
6.      Not getting enough sleep.
Sleep is important for your health and your kidneys, 6-8 hours every day is important for your health. The kidney regenerates its tissues during the night, and poor sleep may cause damage to this organ. Kidney function is triggered by the sleep-wake cycle which helps co-ordinate the kidney’s workload over 24 hours. Research suggest that sleepless nights may cause high blood pressure and atherosclerosis ( Blockage of the arteries) which in turn increases the risk of developing chronic kidney disease.
7.      Eat too much protein.
Protein is the building block of the body but the excessive intake of animal protein especially red meat increases the metabolic load on the kidneys, which may lead to kidney problems such as acidosis, a condition where your kidneys can’t keep your body’s pH in balance.
8.      Alcohol consumption.
Regular heavy drinking has been found to increase the risk of kidney disease. Heavy drinkers who also smoke have an even higher risk of chronic kidney disease. High consumption of alcohol causes uric acid to be deposited in the renal tubules, which may lead to tubular obstruction (Blockage in the flow of urine).
9.      Chronic sitting.
Physical activity such as walking, jogging and other exercises have been associated with normal glucose metabolism and improved blood pressure, two important factors in maintain kidney health. Research suggest sitting for prolonged time periods couch potato-ism increases the risk of kidney problems by 30%.
1.   Smoking.
Smoking is notorious for damaging lungs and liver but it has ill effects on almost every organ of the body. Smoking increases blood pressure causes blockage of arteries and accelerates the loss of kidney function. According to The American Association of Kidney Patients (The AAKP), smoking can cause kidney disease to progress and increases the risk for proteinuria (An excessive amount of protein in the urine). In order to have healthy kidneys; eat healthily, stay hydrated and exercise regularly. Leave bad habits to replace them with good one!